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Product Availability

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Don’t overpay

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Business Opportunities

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Competitor Monitoring

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There could have been a question here, but we've made it all very clear. Or did we?

Yes, we did make everything very clear, but maybe there really are some questions that were left unanswered. Anyway, we'll answer them, that's for sure. Almost certainly. Probably.

There could have been a question here, but we've made it all very clear. Or did we?

Yes, we did make everything very clear, but maybe there really are some questions that were left unanswered. Anyway, we'll answer them, that's for sure. Almost certainly. Probably.

There could have been a question here, but we've made it all very clear. Or did we?

Yes, we did make everything very clear, but maybe there really are some questions that were left unanswered. Anyway, we'll answer them, that's for sure. Almost certainly. Probably.

Subscription plans for every need

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For those, who want to be notified of important changes more frequently.

$4 / month
Billed monthly
Up to 1000 Page Checks*
  • Max Frequency hourly
  • Intelligent Change Detection
  • Dashboard & Reporting
  • Email Alerting
  • Entire Site Monitoring
  • Reporting Data Retention
  • SMS Alerting
  • Proxy Configuration

For those, who must know about changes on many pages asap.

$15 / month
Billed monthly
Up to 5000 Page Checks*
  • Max Frequency every 10 min
  • Intelligent Change Detection
  • Dashboard & Reporting
  • Email Alerting
  • Entire Site Monitoring
  • Reporting Data Retention
  • SMS Alerting
  • Proxy Configuration

For those, who monitors entire sites and can't afford to miss changes.

$30 / month
Billed monthly
Up to 10,000 Page Checks*
  • Max Frequency every 5 min
  • Intelligent Change Detection
  • Dashboard & Reporting
  • Email Alerting
  • Entire Site Monitoring
  • Change Report Retention
  • SMS Alerting
  • Proxy Configuration