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You may have some questions for us.
So we decided to collect them here.

What’s the difference between monitoring the “Entire Site”, “Full Page” and “Selected Area”?

When you chose to monitor the “Entire Site” we will automatically check every page of this site; with “Full Page” option, we will check the single page that you entered; with “Selected Area” option, we will only look for changes inside the part of the page selected by you.

Can I monitor an entire site?

Yes. When you enter the site URL, you can chose whether to monitor the entire site, or a single page. If you chose to monitor the entire site we will begin to monitor all site pages automatically and you can also chose to include or exclude certain pages.

Is there a limit to how many pages I can monitor?

Yes. The number of pages you can monitor depends on your plan. Please refer to our Pricing page.

Can you check a page behind a login screen?

Yes. This feature is available with our custom plan. Please Contact Us for more information.

How long do you keep change reports?

Depending on your plan, we will keep your change reports from a week to however long you need them.